Weight Loss

Programs & Memberships Designed For Long-Term Success

What We Offer

We offer monthly weight loss programs and 3 or 6-month weight loss memberships. Our treatment is available as prescription injections or medications that can be delivered orally or subcutaneously. 

In addition, every month, you will receive 2 B12 shots, a Skinny shot and a Weight Loss IV - free services that will help you maintain energy and optimize your weight loss. These free services will continue monthly as part of your program. Monthly consultations and weigh-ins are available, covering weight loss progress and goals, as well as maintenance, diet, and exercise strategies.

How It Works

Our weight loss program employs two highly effective medications, Semaglutide and Tirzepatide, known for their remarkable ability to reduce cravings, control appetite, and extend the feeling of fullness after meals. With these medications, many individuals have achieved an impressive 15-20% reduction in body weight.

To support your body's adaptation to reduced caloric intake, we also include B12 supplementation, which enhances energy levels, metabolism, and overall well-being.

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Start Your Weight Loss Journey Now

Please carefully follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out your intake form, click here.
  2. Schedule your blood draw, click here.

When you come in for a blood draw, we will walk you through the consultation as well as offer you a FREE Weight Loss IV ($150 Value!)


Have a Question? Contact Us Today!